I personally do not make any resolutions for the new year do you?
If so what is yours for 2014?
If you are like me why do you not make any resolutions?
I watched as a child each new year's eve my parents makes resolutions and each year they were trying hard to keep them but more often than not they did not keep their resolution.
The resolution I heard the most was " I am going to quit smoking"
Dad smoked until he passed away and Mom while she is doing a great job cutting back has yet to quit.
When I became an adult I never made resolutions knowing most of them were not kept.
If I decided to do something I didn't need new year's eve to make a resolution to do it.
I needed to make my mind up to do it and anytime of year would do.
With the new year approaching have you made any resolutions?
About Me

- Laurie
- I live and love in the small town of Marmo, Ontario, Canada. I am a mother of two wonderful young men and grandmother to a little beauty that owns a big piece of my heart. I have great love for my family and they come first in my life. Mollydooker is slang for a left handed person and lord knows I am as left-handed as they come. Waltz, by definition is informal, leading purposefully( my life). I will be sharing with you my ... Mollydooker's Waltz.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Carrying On A Family Tradition!
I am so happy Gretchen is carrying on our family tradition of making Christmas ornaments!
These beautiful ornaments are now hanging on our Christmas tree .
I am so looking forward to Gretchen making Christmas ornaments for our tree each year.
The above picture is our Christmas tree adorned by our home made ornaments.
Do you make your own ornaments?
Do you have a family tradition(s) you observe each Christmas?
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Baking Cookies For Santa And Our Tea Party
This year our Christmas celebrations were very shy on people as we are having terrible freezing rain storms and snow and sleet for the last few days. Fortunately I have had Gretchen here to enjoy.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
My Favourite Tea And A Recipe Request
Today I took a photograph of my favourite tea and cookies under my Christmas tree and posted it on the wall of my favourite tea company on facebook.
Ahmad Tea has the best tea anywhere, take it from me I drink tea from all over the world and Ahmad makes my favourite tea blends.
Of the many teas Ahmad Tea has English Afternoon Tea is my favourite.
I posted the above photo on their wall on Facebook and the response I got was a request for my Melting Moments recipe.
I was quite happy to share that recipe with them as I was with all of you.
So nice that a company responds to people when they comment on their site.
I hope that you will try Ahmad Tea they have some of the best teas available.
What is your favourite tea?
Ahmad Tea has the best tea anywhere, take it from me I drink tea from all over the world and Ahmad makes my favourite tea blends.
Of the many teas Ahmad Tea has English Afternoon Tea is my favourite.
I posted the above photo on their wall on Facebook and the response I got was a request for my Melting Moments recipe.
I was quite happy to share that recipe with them as I was with all of you.
So nice that a company responds to people when they comment on their site.
I hope that you will try Ahmad Tea they have some of the best teas available.
What is your favourite tea?
Feeling old
Today is my eldest son's 36th birthday and wow does seeing that on paper ever make me feel old!
His wife I am sure will have something special planned for the two of them this evening.
I am expecting my Mother back from the city today so my Aunt tells me.
I am so glad everything is set-up for my Grandparents for nursing staff to come into the home.
I will just be glad to have Mom home so she can concentrate on her health .
I have made her som cookies and took chicken breasts out to thaw and will have a nice supper ready for her when she comes home.
The cookies I made were very nice I took my melting moment recipe and before adding the dry ingredients I added a tsp of vanilla and a teaspoon of orange extract and the rind of 2 tangerines and the juice of one tangerine ( I ate the other they were very tasty).
I beat the mixture together then added the dry ingredients and baked them the dame wqay as the others only flattened the alls more and baked for 12 mins, just watch them check the bottoms a fter 10 mins they should be brown the tops will not brown unless over cooked. the melting moments recipe is easy .
Melting Moments
3 cups flour
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup cornstarch
1 softened pound of butter
Mix together with fork into a dough.
Roll 1 inch balls, flatten with fork and add sprinkles.
Bake 325 F for 7-10 mins until golden brown on bottom edge.
His wife I am sure will have something special planned for the two of them this evening.
I am expecting my Mother back from the city today so my Aunt tells me.
I am so glad everything is set-up for my Grandparents for nursing staff to come into the home.
I will just be glad to have Mom home so she can concentrate on her health .
I have made her som cookies and took chicken breasts out to thaw and will have a nice supper ready for her when she comes home.
The cookies I made were very nice I took my melting moment recipe and before adding the dry ingredients I added a tsp of vanilla and a teaspoon of orange extract and the rind of 2 tangerines and the juice of one tangerine ( I ate the other they were very tasty).
I beat the mixture together then added the dry ingredients and baked them the dame wqay as the others only flattened the alls more and baked for 12 mins, just watch them check the bottoms a fter 10 mins they should be brown the tops will not brown unless over cooked. the melting moments recipe is easy .
Melting Moments
3 cups flour
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup cornstarch
1 softened pound of butter
Mix together with fork into a dough.
Roll 1 inch balls, flatten with fork and add sprinkles.
Bake 325 F for 7-10 mins until golden brown on bottom edge.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Papa is home
Well yesterday was quite an eventful day for my poor Mother.
She is in the city with my Nanny while my Papa is in the hospital having chemo.
They sent him home yesterday and it was quite the job for my Mom.
She had my Nanny and her huge walker that doesn't fold down well and takes up most of the back seat as it won't fit in the trunk it is too high.
She also had my Papa and he was sent home using a walker, his balance is not good so needed her assistance and she had to get him and his walker into the car as well ( she owns a little kia).
My Mother is 80 pounds and has had polio so her left arm and shoulder don't work well.
I feel for her and wish I could have been there to help her.
She managed to get them home and medications sorted, took the meds to the drugstore to have them put into blister packs with new meds so that it is less confusing for them. Now they are settled she will stay until homecare is in place.
I spoke to her last night and know she hurt her arm, shoulder and lower back I hope she rests it as much as she can and gets everything done and home before the weekend as we are expecting a large snowfall on Saturday.
I wish the snow would hold off for one more day, Saturday is my potluck and theatre night with the girls, we do it once a year and really is one of the only outings I get these days and look forward to it alot.
I pray that this Christmas everyone has a healthy and safe winter.
She is in the city with my Nanny while my Papa is in the hospital having chemo.
They sent him home yesterday and it was quite the job for my Mom.
She had my Nanny and her huge walker that doesn't fold down well and takes up most of the back seat as it won't fit in the trunk it is too high.
She also had my Papa and he was sent home using a walker, his balance is not good so needed her assistance and she had to get him and his walker into the car as well ( she owns a little kia).
My Mother is 80 pounds and has had polio so her left arm and shoulder don't work well.
I feel for her and wish I could have been there to help her.
She managed to get them home and medications sorted, took the meds to the drugstore to have them put into blister packs with new meds so that it is less confusing for them. Now they are settled she will stay until homecare is in place.
I spoke to her last night and know she hurt her arm, shoulder and lower back I hope she rests it as much as she can and gets everything done and home before the weekend as we are expecting a large snowfall on Saturday.
I wish the snow would hold off for one more day, Saturday is my potluck and theatre night with the girls, we do it once a year and really is one of the only outings I get these days and look forward to it alot.
I pray that this Christmas everyone has a healthy and safe winter.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Well today I made my sweetie a pile of chocolate chip cookies as he has been after me to make some cookie dough he likes to eat raw...chocolate chip.
At this time of year chocolate chip are the last cookies on my to do list as it is time for Christmas baking!
I had to look hard for my chocolate chip cookie recipe and lo and behold it was one that was right on the bag of chocolate chips.
Why when I baked them last time I didn't write beside the recipe TERRIBLE!!!?
I haven't a clue because that is exactly what they are.
My sweetie of course loved them so you know he will have a tummy ache tonight for sure.
Does anyone have a really good chocolate chip cookie recipe they would like to share it will have to be one that is not overly sweet and is chewy.
In the meantime I will be searching all my cookbooks to find my recipe I wrote out about 30 years ago. It was on the bag of baker's chocolate chips, the blue bag, anyone remember that brand ?
Better yet does anyone have that recipe they would like to share with me?
At this time of year chocolate chip are the last cookies on my to do list as it is time for Christmas baking!
I had to look hard for my chocolate chip cookie recipe and lo and behold it was one that was right on the bag of chocolate chips.
Why when I baked them last time I didn't write beside the recipe TERRIBLE!!!?
I haven't a clue because that is exactly what they are.
My sweetie of course loved them so you know he will have a tummy ache tonight for sure.
Does anyone have a really good chocolate chip cookie recipe they would like to share it will have to be one that is not overly sweet and is chewy.
In the meantime I will be searching all my cookbooks to find my recipe I wrote out about 30 years ago. It was on the bag of baker's chocolate chips, the blue bag, anyone remember that brand ?
Better yet does anyone have that recipe they would like to share with me?
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Well my Grandfather I am sure I mentioned fell through the cracks of the healthcare system and it has been a year since he has been diagnosed with lymphoma.
Unfortunately he did not understand what lymphoma was and came home from his appointment thinking if there was anything to worry about his doctor would call him...not so , remember to take it upon yourself to look after your own healthcare worries don't depend on the doctor to call you.
Once he started looking unwell he would just get his back up and say he is fine, just tired.
Finally he couldn't breathe and he was taken to hospital where they drained his lungs, he was sent home and appointments made with his doctor and oncologist he is still at this point not understanding the gravity of his illness.
He has been gradually going downhill and now is back in hospital to have lung drained again and starting chemo today.
He finally understands his situation and is making his own healthcare decisions now he is informed.
Please if you have an elderly person in your family , take the time to go to doctor appointments and to follow through with conversations about their conditions to ensure they understand .
I know they get annoyed with you for always asking questions about their health issues but it is important if you want them around for a while to ensure they know what exactly is going on with their bodies and what their options are we made this error thinking that he was taking himself to doctor etc. that he was being explained to about his health and the fact he is private didn't share with us as he is an adult didn't make us question anything until he looked terribly unwell.
I don't see him but a few times a year and noticed right away as those who saw him daily didn't notice the decline as much.
It is possible he didn't delve deeper into his health problems due to not understanding medical terminology that was used when discussing his illness with his doctor.
Whatever the reason he is now sicker than I have ever seen him and keep him in my prayers constantly.
Know that I am praying for you and love you Papa <3 p="">
Unfortunately he did not understand what lymphoma was and came home from his appointment thinking if there was anything to worry about his doctor would call him...not so , remember to take it upon yourself to look after your own healthcare worries don't depend on the doctor to call you.
Once he started looking unwell he would just get his back up and say he is fine, just tired.
Finally he couldn't breathe and he was taken to hospital where they drained his lungs, he was sent home and appointments made with his doctor and oncologist he is still at this point not understanding the gravity of his illness.
He has been gradually going downhill and now is back in hospital to have lung drained again and starting chemo today.
He finally understands his situation and is making his own healthcare decisions now he is informed.
Please if you have an elderly person in your family , take the time to go to doctor appointments and to follow through with conversations about their conditions to ensure they understand .
I know they get annoyed with you for always asking questions about their health issues but it is important if you want them around for a while to ensure they know what exactly is going on with their bodies and what their options are we made this error thinking that he was taking himself to doctor etc. that he was being explained to about his health and the fact he is private didn't share with us as he is an adult didn't make us question anything until he looked terribly unwell.
I don't see him but a few times a year and noticed right away as those who saw him daily didn't notice the decline as much.
It is possible he didn't delve deeper into his health problems due to not understanding medical terminology that was used when discussing his illness with his doctor.
Whatever the reason he is now sicker than I have ever seen him and keep him in my prayers constantly.
Know that I am praying for you and love you Papa <3 p="">
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Melting Moments And Oh How Fast She Has Grown
Gretchen is getting excited for Christmas
I do post it yearly for those of you that are like myself and lose recipes if they aren't in a book.
I have pictures of Gretchen baking Christmas cookies with me from 2 years ago and wow I can hardly believe how much she has grown in these past 2 years.
Melting Moments
3 cups flour
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup cornstarch
1 softened pound of butter
Mix together with fork into a dough.
Roll 1 inch balls, flatten with fork and add sprinkles.
Bake 325 F for 7-10 mins until golden brown on bottom edge.
This cookie is one of my most requested cookie at Christmastime.
Do you have a cookie recipe that people request you to make each Christmas?
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Finding it difficult this holiday season as my grandpa is gravely ill with lymphoma and heading to the hospital by ambulance as I write.
I wish that getting older didn't mean having so many losses in your life...keeping my Nanny and Papa in my prayers.
I am thanking God for giving me such a close, loving family that helps eachother through the good times and the bad times.
I wish that getting older didn't mean having so many losses in your life...keeping my Nanny and Papa in my prayers.
I am thanking God for giving me such a close, loving family that helps eachother through the good times and the bad times.
Monday, December 2, 2013
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