About Me

My photo
I live and love in the small town of Marmo, Ontario, Canada. I am a mother of two wonderful young men and grandmother to a little beauty that owns a big piece of my heart. I have great love for my family and they come first in my life. Mollydooker is slang for a left handed person and lord knows I am as left-handed as they come. Waltz, by definition is informal, leading purposefully( my life). I will be sharing with you my ... Mollydooker's Waltz.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weekend Of Fun

This past weekend I spent with my little earth angel again and we had a blast.
We went to glow in the dark bowling at Dodd's Bowling Lanes in Hastings Ontario with friends of mine and their grandson Cohen.
 Gretchen and Cohen had a great play date.
The following day Gretchen went to my next door neighbour's and played with their boys.
Gretchen drove a battery operated car for the first time (I think she will be asking for one of these babies).

Gretchen and Brayden  having fun driving the battery operated car 

Gretchen and Grandma getting ready for Glow in the dark bowling

Gretchen and I getting ready for the glow in the dark bowling outing in Hastings with friends.

Gretchen and Cohen at the bowling alley 

Great time had by all

Hi-fives in order!

We had such a great time I am sure we will be doing this again in the very near future.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Temperatures in Ontario

Well it was a beautiful day until an hour ago it was sunny with a beautiful breeze and 25 C  couldn't ask for a more beautiful spring day.
In the last hour the winds are high, the temperature has dropped 10 degrees Celsius and the rain is driving!

Listening to the weather report it tells me that tomorrow we will be getting snow!
Living in Ontario, snow suits in the morning sweat shirts in the afternoon and snow suits at night
You really need to be prepared for any type of weather when you live in Ontario.

What was the weather like where you were today?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Vehicle

Yesterday I went to visit my grandmother and drive home my Papa's Buick I am purchasing from her.
I had a beautiful sunny day for driving and the Buick ran very smoothly.
My Mother took me there and I followed her back home, it was nice to see all the signs of spring.
The trees are budding, the grass is finally out from under the mountain of snow we accumulated this winter.
I actually saw quite a few red winged blackbirds on our drive.
I am really happy to have a set of wheels again, I felt as though my wings had been clipped for the past few years.
Does anyone else feel having a vehicle is freedom?
I felt like I was stranded always waiting for someone to go somewhere so I could get a ride to where I needed or wanted to go and as much as I appreciated all the rides, I never felt I could go and spend the time I wanted out because there was someone waiting on me give me a ride back home.
Now I have the freedom to come and go as I  please , for that I am grateful. This is like the one I purchased, this photo was from Google Images

Friday, April 11, 2014

Daddy, Papa and I

A photo taken about 15 years ago
My Papa in the white shirt , he passed away a couple of months ago.
My Daddy in the burgundy shirt, he passed away 2 years ago today.
Both of these men I love very much and will never get over losing them.
RIP Papa and Daddy, I miss you more than words can ever say, you were not just a parent but my best friend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April Showers

Well it has been raining off and on for the last few days and it makes me so happy to see the snow slowly receding and my lawn coming into view!
I can hardly wait to start doing some planters up with some herbs and veggies.
Do you make a garden?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Earth Angel Weekend

This past weekend I had my little earth angel here for a visit.
I truly feel that if it weren't for her I probably would not have been able to deal so well with many things that have been happening in my life for the past few years.
I truly believe God knew I needed a little angel here on earth to help me through ...Gretchen is my little earth angel sent from heaven.
Do any of you feel that way about someone in your life?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool's Day

Well April is finally here!
I started going walking again yesterday as it was so nice and sunny outside.
I can tell you I saw a red-winged black bird and to me that is the sure sign it is spring.
I have had robins in the yard for the last month and believe you me our weather has not been spring like in the least .
What do you consider the first true sign it is spring in your neck of the woods?
 Did any of you play any April fool pranks?
If you did, we would love to hear about them.
I actually have a link to some pretty cute April fool pranks I will share with you.


The prank with the pound cake is going to be done to my granddaughter at some point for sure!