Seeing as the weatherman has forecast rain for most of the next two weeks, I have decided this would be a great time to get all my spring cleaning done!
I have carpets that need a good cleaning especially the one by the back door.
The front hall carpet is needing a bit of a pick me up and lord knows with all the salt and sand used this past winter I am sure to have to go over the carpets a few times.
Thank God the rest of the house is hardwood or tile!
I have a dear little squirrel that comes to get hand fed each morning, he seems to be one the others have picked on alot and they steal anything he finds so with a bit of coaxing he has decided he would rather take his chances on me than getting beat up for his food .
Each morning he is there stomping his little feet on the back deck waiting for me to come feed him.
I know you aren't suppose to feed the wild animals but he is in need of someone to treat him nicely for sure.
I will get a photo of him so you can see how this poor little fellow tugged at my heart strings he is now looking better than he was but still a bit rough thanks to the others beating him up for his food.
We will get him looking better before the end of the spring!
On the way to the radio station the other morning a guy in front of me hit a squirrel and he was dragging himself across the road so I pulled over to see if I could assist the little fellow I walked over and assessed his condition and talked to him soothingly as I stroked him although he was crying I could tell he would be okay if I nursed him back to health . I assured him I was going to help him, so off to the car I went to grab a blanket and gloves and once I came back to the little guy I put my gloves on and bent down to pick him up and a hawk swooped in and grabbed him and flew away!
Not only was I shocked I felt awful for the poor little squirrel...such is nature!
I cried for the poor little guy but realize that the hawk wasn't going to allow me to take his meal.
He was so close to me that I felt the breeze his wings created as he swooped in and took off.
Anyone else ever have an experience like that?
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