Good morning, I know it is almost afternoon, I have been in "Turtle Mode" today for some reason.
Not only am I just sitting down at the computer for the first time today, I am having my first glass of juice!
I have spent the morning doing alot and getting nothing accomplished or so it feels.
I have been cleaning out closets and once they are pulled apart I have been bagging things up to send to charity, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation of Ontario comes every couple of months and picks up your donations from your front step.
Then I have bags I make up to send to the autobody shop down the highway of rags they use there.
I will be quite happy to have some closet space again.
Funny the things we accumulate over the years, clothing you keep in hopes of fitting into it again and clothing you keep to do dirty jobs in and clothing you keep for sentimental reasons...I decided if I haven't worn it in the last year then it is gone.
In case you are wondering, yes I did keep one item that I don't wear often but can not bear to part with, a beautiful sequined top my I remember my grandmother wearing when she was going somewhere special, I always had admired it and when I was 21 my grandmother found she could not wear it anymore and remembered how much I liked it so gave it to me.
I wear it only when I go out somewhere very special as I am so afraid to lose the sequins off of it.
After I spent some time walking down memory lane, I completed the task at hand.
I think I did very well parting with as much as I could to make some space in my closets.
Do you have an item of clothing you just know you could never part with for sentimental reasons?
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