My sweet little girlie Smudge had to be put down yesterday.
She will be missed terribly.
I know I probably could have kept her alive for a few more days but why make the poor dear suffer more than she already has.
I have been trying to nurse her back to health for the last 6 weeks she would go from looking ready for the rag bag one day to looking like her old self the next.
On her good days I would have hope that she would be her old self again and on her bad days feeling as though I was being cruel keeping her alive because I didn't want to lose her.
Thursday night she started losing bowel and bladder control and Friday morning she didn't even have the strength to clean herself.
As much as I loved her I couldn't watch her suffer anymore and had to have her put down.
The only consolation is that I know for the 11 years she was with us she had a good life.
I am truly gonna miss her little paw reaching up to me for some cuddles and how she use to talk my ear off, as long as you would talk to her she would talk back.
May you rest in peace Smudge<3
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